Self-Awakening Psychotherapy for Neurosis: Attaching Importance to Oriental Thought, Especially Buddhist Thought
K. Kishimoto
As anthropological psychotherapy (Binswanger, Frankl and Boss) is based on existential philosophy, this self-awakening psychotherapy is based on Buddhistic thought. I have comprehended the human being from five ,dimensions; physical, psychological, natural, social and spiritual. Although I have practised the therapy of the former four objective therapy for neurosis, the last spiritual therapy is the most important and fundamental. Because I accept clients non-directively, I adopt the sect doctrines of Buddhism which clients themselves are interested in. First I advise them to read repeatedly the short important sentences of Sutra or analects of the sect founders, next to write the portions of them with a brush (Fude) and Chinese ink (Sumi). Finally I advise them to meditate Zazen in the Zen sect, and to utter the Nembutsu in Jodo and Jodo-Shin sects with me. In Buddhism, any human beings store Buddhahood (wisdom, mercy and cosmic unconsciousness) in themselves. With this method clients gradually attain self-awakening and realize subjective freedom resolution, independence, originality, singleness, dignity and creativity of spirit.