Psychology in the Peoples's Republic of China--A Historical Overview and Quantitative Analysis
M. Petzold
The history of psychology in the People's Republic of China is reviewed. Roots of Chinese psychology go back to the last century when modern Western psychology was introduced into China. Chinese psychology was established as an academic discipline in the Twenties. In the years after the revolution in 1949 psychology had a strong orientation towards Soviet Psychology and was hindered by several political campaigns, especially the so-called Cultural Revolution. In the late 'Seventies psychology was re-established as a science with a growth of research especially in Developmental and Educational Psychology. A quantitative analysis of the two leading psychology journals yields the rank order of the different areas in current Chinese psychological research. The analysis of citations throws some light on the relation of Chinese psychology to indigenous and foreign sources. This shows that although there is a strong reference to English-language sources, Chinese psychologists are citing respective Chinese authors even more often.