Influences of Study and Test Trials on Recall and Recognition Memory
H. Tajika
Two experiments were conducted to develop an account of differential effects based on retrieval attributes in recall and recognition. Two kinds of presentations were used. In Experiment 1, each target word was presented serially one after another. In Experiment 2, pairs of target words were presented. Study and test trials used in the present experiments camprised two conditions: the study-study-study-test condition and the study-test-test-test condition. Subjects were tested in accordance with one of three retrieval test types: recall, recognition, or letter-cued recall. This was called the immediate test. One hour later a retrieval test was administered to each subject. It was found that the conditions affected recall differentially, but not recognition and letter-cued recall. Results were discussed in terms of retrieval attributes in recall and recognition rather than the two-stake theory of recall.