Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Reliability of the Chinese Version of a Revised Teacher Efficacy Scale among Guidance Teachers in Hong Kong
M. Yuen, D.T.L. Shek, M.-P. Lam, P.S.Y. Lau, & R.M.C. Chan
Emmer and Hickman (1991) revised the Teacher Efficacy Scale (Gibson & Dembo, 1984) by adding in a Teacher Efficacy in Classroom Management and Discipline Sub-Scale and examined its factor structure. They recommended a three-factor model with Classroom Management and Discipline as a distinct factor from the other aspects of Teacher Efficacy. In the present study, the factor structure of responses to the Chinese version of a Revised Teacher Efficacy Scale (TES-R; Emmer & Hickman, 1991) in a sample of 250 secondary school guidance teachers in Hong Kong was examined using the EQS approach to confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that a three-factor model (Personal Teaching, Classroom Management & Discipline, and External Influences) provided the best fit, though with the first two sub-scales highly correlated (r=.75). In addition, the deletion of three items yielded a better fitting model that was cross-validated by analyzing the responses of two separate sub-samples (guidance teachers with nine years' or less teaching experience, and those with ten years' or more teaching experience). Potential uses of the C-TES-R are discussed.

Key words: teacher efficacy, classroom management, discipline, guidance teachers, Hong Kong Chinese