Eye-Fixation Related Potential to Stimuli Simulating the Vision of an Older Adult
K. Kazai, Y Abe, A. Yagi, T Nakano, K. Higuchi, & S. Yamamoto
The eye-fixation related potential (EFRP) is a type of visual evoked potential (VEP). In the present study, the effects of simulating the vision of an older adult {Nakano, Higuchi, & Yamamoto, 1996) on the EFRP of young adults were investigated. The EFRP was measured under three conditions: the N condition (original stimulus without any image processing), the CS condition (simulation of a 70-year old person's contrast sensitivity and spectral transmittance}, and the C condition (simulation of a 70-year old person's contrast sensitivity). The P65 (positivity with a peak latency of about 65 ms) and N110 (nagativily with a peak latency of about 110 ms) of the EFRP were identified. There was no significant difference between the P65-N110 amplitude of the N condition and that of the CS condition. The peak latency of P65 of the CS condition was longer than those of the other two conditions. These results are in general agreement with previous VEP studies that compared older and young adults. Therefore, these results support the validity of the simulation.

Key words: eye-fixation related potential (EFRP), aging, simulation, contrast sensitivity