ikeable Likeness: Personality, Experience and Preference for Abstract and Low Complexity Art
A. Krajewska & A. Waligorska
This study investigated preferences towards abstract vs. realist and low vs. high complexity paintings in context of personality traits (measured with NEO PI-R Inventory), selected demographics and art experience (aesthetic interests, knowledge and preferences). - 134 participants completed an online survey, rating attractiveness and artistic value of 48 paintings grouped on two continuum scales: abstractedness-realism and general complexity of the composition. Art experience and Openness to Experience positively (while Neuroticism and Conscientiousness negatively) correlated with high judgments of abstract and low complexity artworks. High Extraversion level was positively correlated with high ratings of abstract paintings. The findings support some and contradict other previous results, reflecting the need of application of stylistic dichotomy scales (rather than style differentiation) into future research.

Key words: personality, art experience, aesthetic preferences, abstract art, realism, complexity