How Affinity Influences on Decision Making Inconsistent With WOM Trustworthiness and EWOM Trustworthiness
M. Eguchi & T. Yamashita

This research analyzed how affinity to word-of-mouth (WOM) provider influences on purchase decision making in high and low “affinity” conditions when WOM contradicted with electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM). Participants had to select from product A or product B, with information only about WOM comment (positive or negative), EWOM comment (positive or negative), and affinity to WOM provider (high or low). We focused on participants who made decisions contradictive with their evaluation of WOM and EWOM trustworthiness. The results suggested psychological processes that affinity directly influences decision making as an emotional factor, sometimes causing contradictive decisions. Among participants who evaluated EWOM more trustworthy, degree of affinity made significant differences in ratios of contradictive decisions by adopting WOM.

Key words: affinity, word-of-mouth, electronic word-of-mouth, contradiction, confidence, individual decision making