et alloplastie
A. Vexliard |
the standpoint of the different main modes of adaptation of a personlity
to his environment the author proposes the terms: Alloplasty-Autoplasty,
active or passive. 1. Autoplasty-active. Charactersistic of the individual,
who adapts easily himself to different environments and their modifications,
in an active manner; he comes easily in contact with others; it is
a multilateral sociophyly. 2. Autoplasty-passive. The individual
is adapted to his milieu, but this adaptation is restrained only
to some selected and restrained groups (family, village, some friends),
and he adapts himself with great difficulties to any change. His
sociophyly is selective or unilateral or rigid. 3. Alloplasty-active.
Here the individual adpats himself to the environment, in changing
them actively (and not in changing his own attitudes); he is rarely
satisfied himself with any situation or milieu, as they exist; he
conceives and realizes this transformation. As a result, he has a
reputation of authoritarianism, - which is often hidden with more
or less skill. From the positive side, he tray be a good organizator.
4. Alloplasty-passive. Such a combination may be not very well understood;
in fact we know many persons of that kind. Similar to the precedent,
such persons are often unsatisfied with the existing conditions,
and they imagine or conceive the possible transformations of their
environment, but they are rarely able to perform in fact their projects.
In the face of the realities, they are more persons of ideas or of
dreams then of acts. One can say in short that the first is adaptable,
the second: adapted, the third: "adaptateur" and the fourth:
unadaptable. This study was made in using inventories, objective
tests, involving 300 male and 150 female subjects.