preference as a function of authoritarianism and intolerance of
L.L. Bhushan |
present study is an attempt to verify if authoritarianism and intolerance
of ambiguity (IA) are correlates of preference for authoritarian-democratic
leadership. California F-scale as a measure of authoritarianism,
Budzer's scale as a test of IA and a `leadership preference scale'
(LPS) developed by the investigator to assess indiividual's preference
far authoritarian or democratic style of leadership, were administered
to a randomly drawn sample of 400 under-graduate male students. The
hypothesis proposed for verification was that preference for democratic
type of leadership would bear substantial negative relationship with
(a} authoritarianism and (b) intolerance of ambiguity. The results
confirm the hypothesis formulated. Comparisons of LP-scores obtained
by extreme decile groups on the two personality variables also lend
support to the correlational findings and are in keeping with the
theoretical predictions.