The Effects of Different Levels of Protein and Environmental Stimulation on Spatial and Activity Skills in the White Rat
J.L.M. Binnie-Dawson
The findings of this experiment support the hypotheses that the early dietary and environmental manipulations in the first 7 weeks, with later return to normal diet and environment, resulted in the predicted significant differences between the five male/female samples involved, HH, HN, NN, NL, LL. The data further confirmed the predicted differences found in growth rates, adrenals, pituitary, gonads, brain and spatial f activity skills. As the research design only involves 5 cells, it does have certain limitations in analysis, and thus the next experiment will utilize the full 3 x 3 (9 cells) design. These findings have also extended the earlier kwashiorkor feminization research (Dawson, 1966), and later sex hormone reversal experiments reported by Dawson (1972, Dawson et al. 1975, & 1979). The implications are also discussed for bio-social theory, the developing countries, contrasting Temne/Mende tropical agriculturists, with the hunting ecologies of the Arctic Eskimo, with the overcrowded resettlement estates of Hong Kong.