A Preliminary Study of the Relationship Between Personality and Cultural Values among Japanese Nationals
S.N. Scanlon, P.W. Dixon, R.E. Aherm & T. Kimura
This study was designed to measure the relationship between personality variables and cultural values by using two independent objective measures, the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule and the Revised Short Form Values Schedule. The subjects were 182 juniors and seniors, ranging from 15 to 17 years of age, selected from a large rural high school near Tokyo in 1971. A stepwise discriminant analysis was used to determine the extent to which the variables on the EPPS are related to the RSFVS scores. The EPPS variables were also subjected to image analysis which produced five factor patterns. A basic "personality profile" for each factor was constructed by listing EPPS needs in conjunction with the related RSFVS questions. The obtained factors were then related to commonly known Japanese personality types.