Self-control System of Small Groups: Effects of Feedforward and Feedback
M. Ohta
(a) This study was purposed to inquire into the self-control system of small groups, especially the system by which the group goal and performance are regulated by feed forward and feedback information. (b) The experimental task was for groups of primary school boys to add the numbers 1 to 5 to random numbers. 2 situations were staged in 2 experiments. In experiment I, while members were given a goal as well as feedback information in one situation, the goal was decided by members after advised of feedback information in the other. In experiment II, members set their goal without a supply of feedback information in one situation and with this information in the other. (c) Operators W1 to W4 in the block diagram of the system were estimated by input and output data. 1Vlultiple regression analyses were used.