Value Similarity and Friendship: A Study of Interpersonal Attraction
A. Husain & A. Kureshi
The purpose of the study was three fold:
(1) Whether with similarity existing between the interacting persons such as their sex and socioeconomic status the self perceives the other as similar on certain values at the various levels of friendship.
(2) Whether values play the same role in determining attraction for the similar other among the males and females and Upper-Middle Socioeconomic Status and Lower Middle-Socioeconomic Status subjects at various levels of friendship.
(3) Whether different types of values and their magnitude are similar across the given levels of relationship among the male, female, Upper-Middle Socioeconomic Status and Lower-Middle Socioeconomic Status subjects. Some of the major findings were:
By and large, attraction between same-sex and same-socioeconomic status subjects was more out of the perception of similarity in relation to values. `Roommate' was found to be the closest level of relationship, where both moral and social values played a significant role in self-other attraction. Socioeconomic status differences existed in both moral and social values almost at all the levels of friendship.