of EEG Factor Analytic Approach to Locational Differences of Mental
Functions in Normal Brain
E. Kashihara |
the first part of the present paper the usefulness of EEG factor
analytic approach to the determination of locational differences
of mental functions in normal brain was critically reviewed. The
second part was a summary of EEG factor analytic approaches by the
present author. The alpha-band component amplitudes of EEG patterns
from 12 positions of the scalp during performance of 5 verbal and
4 nonverbal tasks were recorded in 20 normal right-handed subjects.
The main part of the present results was as follows : From principal
factor analysis and varimax rotation after cutting-off of unchanging
portions of amplitudes, four factors were derived. The first factor
scores were high at Pz, C3 and F7, and 4 verbal tasks loaded on this
factor. The second factor scores were high at 03, Pz and C3, and
one verbal and one nonverbal task loaded on this factor. The third
factor was loaded by one nonverbal task and showed high factor scores
at Pz, F8 and Fp2. The fourth factor was loaded by two nonverbal
tasks and showed high factor scores at T6, C4, C3 and F8. Based on
these results, the significance to educational psychology was discussed.