Women's Satisfaction with the Dual Work Role
A. Shukla & S. Saxena
The present study had two aims: to assess married employed women's satisfaction with housework, paid work and dual work role and to determine those aspects of job, family and self which are related to women's satisfaction with the dual work role. Data were gathered from women working in clerical jobs (n = 74) and in professional jobs (n = 45). The important findings are: (1) as compared to clerical women professional women have greater satisfaction with both housework and paid work and experience more job-challenge; (2) both groups evaluate themselves somewhat negatively in comparison to men but positively in comparison to nonemployed housewives and unmarried employed women; (3) dual work role satisfaction among clerical women is positively related to job-rewards and job-com-fort but negatively to job-challenge, and (4) among professional women it is positively related to job-challenge and a favourable self image.