Factors Underlying Preschool Children's Task Choices
S. Tanaka
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of the experimenter presence and the interest in the task on preschool children's task choices. In Experiment 1, two conditions were conducted: one was the experimenter presence condition, and the other was the experimenter no-presence condition. The subjects' task choices in the experimenter presence condition were compared with those in the experimenter no-presence condition. In Experiment 2, two conditions were conducted: one was the non-interest condition, and the other was the interest condition. The subjects' task choices in the non-interest condition were compared with those in the interest condition. While most of the subjects chose an easy task in both the experimenter presence and the non-interest conditions, the rate of the subjects who chose an easy task declined in both the experimenter no-presence and the interest conditions. Implications of these results were discussed in terms of preschool children's challenging task choices.