Behavioral Vision Training for Hyperopia
J.-P. Leung, M. Yap & S.J. Lagrow
This study trained hyperopic persons with the fading and feedback procedure which was originally designed for training myopes. To measure the close vision of hyperopes, a near Behavioral Acuity Test (nBAT) was used. The nature of the nBAT required anisometropic subjects whose eye-to-eye refractive errors differed by as much as 1.00 D. Two Chinese college students fulfulling the anisometropic condition were recruited and trained. The data showed that the procedure was effective in improving the visual performance of hyperopes on the nBAT and the pattern of changes were similar to those found in earlier studies conducted with myopes. The results confirmed the usefulness of operant training procedures for modifying visual functions in defective eyes. The partial transfer of training effects from trained to untrained stimulus favors the dual-process hypothesis which suggests that both behavioral and physiological factors contributed to the improved acuity observed.