Entrained Motion is Affected by the Number of Entraining Stimuli and Equality in the Moving Distance of Stimuli
I. Watanabe
Ten undergraduate students took part in two experiments of entrained motion, a type of apparent motion, in which a test stimulus (TS), blinking alone, appears to move entrained by the apparent motion of entraining stimuli (ESs) in the display. The subjects rated the motion of the TS under conditions varying in the number of ESs and the moving distances of the TS and ESs. The first experiment showed that the rating of motion increased with the number of ESs. The second experiment showed that the rating was larger when the moving distance of the TS was equal to the distances of ESs than when not. The rating was indifferent to either of the moving distances of the TS and ESs. The results indicate that entrained motion is determined not only by ESs but also by the spatial configuration of all the elements in the display.

Key words: visual apparent motion, entrained motion, spatial arrangement, distance