Vol. 45, No.4 (2003) |
ObituaryFTakao Umemotoi1921-2002j M. Koyasu pp. 205-206. |
SPECIAL ISSUE: MOTIVATION AND SELF-REGULATION Guest Editors : Hirotsugu Yamauchi, Anastasia Efklides, & Markku Niemivirta |
Introduction : Some Issues on Self-regulation to Consider A. Efklides, M. Niemivirta, & H. Yamauchi pp. 207-210. |
Studentsf Self-efficacy in Their Self-regulated Learning
Strategies: A Developmental Perspective F. Pajares & G. Valiante pp. 211-221. |
Metacognitive Experiences, Self-concept, and Self-regulation A. Efklides & A. Tsiora pp. 222-236. |
Motivation and Self-regulated Learning: A Type Analysis
with Process Variables F. Rheinberg, R. Vollmeyer & W. Rollett pp. 237-249. |
Motivation and Performance in Context: The Influence
of Goal Orientations and Instructional Setting on Situational Appraisals
and Task Performance M. Niemivirta pp. 250-270. |