Psycchologia, Vol. 14, No.1 (1971)

Editorial: From the cosmic perspective
pp. 1-2.

EEG alpha feedback and subjective states of consciousness: Subject's introspective overview
D. Kiefer
pp. 3-14.

Kyoto and university student suicide
M. Iga
pp. 15-23.

Experimenter's hypothesis confirmation as determinant of experimental results among Japanese experimenters and subjects
Y. Uno, R.D. Frager, K. Takashima & R. Rosemthal

pp. 24-30.
The effects of response meaningfulness and overlearning on re-pairing tasks
K. Yamagata

pp. 31-38.
Influence of teacher training on student's values
K. Sato

pp. 39-43.
Induced goals as determinants of verbal learning
B. De & R. Singh

pp. 44-46.
An open letter to the American Biofeedback Research Society
D. Kiefer
pp. 47-49.
Celebrating the seventy-eight birhday of Prof. Sadaji Takagi
B. Yagi & S. Torii
pp. 50-51.


Psychologia, Vol. 14, No. 2 (1971)

Values of Indian, American, and Japanese university students
R.W. Kilby

pp. 53-66.

What is mu?
D. Kiefer
pp. 67-70.

Zen enlightenment without a teacher: The case of Mrs. Courtois, an American
T. Ikemoto
pp. 71-76.

Progress of Japanese studies in verbal learning and memory
T. Umemoto
pp. 77-82.

Free recall learning and cognitive development in children
R. Yukawa

pp. 83-90.

The relation between reactive inhibition and reminiscence
K. Koga

pp. 91-96.
Effects of intervening tasks in free recall and paired-associates learning
M. Mitsuda
pp. 97-105.
Psycholinguistics in a cross-cultural context
B.M. Young

pp. 106-111.
Dr. Megumi Imada (1894-1970), his life and work
H. Imada & Y. Kotake
pp. 112-113.


Psychologia, Vol. 14, No. 3-4 (1971)

In memory of Dr. Koji - His life and work
R. Osaka
pp. 116-122.

A memory of Koji Sato
G.M. Haslerud
pp. 123-125.

Messages in memory of Professor Doctor Koji Sato
W. Metzger, G. Murphy, J. Nuttin & R.W. Russell

From pure to applied behavioral science
P. Fraisse
pp. 129-130.

Muller's theory of the specific energies of the sensory nerves
W.M. O'Neil

pp. 131-135.
Environmental quality and behavioral adjustment
R.M. Russell
pp. 136-147.

The partners that cannot be divorced: Psychology and philosophy
P.A. Bertocci


Effect of intercultural contact and international stance on attitude change toward host nationals
K.H. David

pp. 153-157.
Social attitudes among Japanese and American teenagers: II. Boys
S. Inomata & E. McGinnies

pp. 158-169.
Scores on two intelligence tests and season of birth
V. Mohan & J. Mohan
pp. 170-174.
Sex-role preference in children as a function of birth space
R.C. Dixit

pp. 175-178.
Effects of attitudes and sex on clairvoyance and precognition performance
P.O. Peretti

pp. 179-183.
Immediate recall as a function of frequency of word usage (count): A replication
R.R. Borude

pp. 184-187.
Pseudo mind-expansion through psychedelics and brain-wave-programming versus true mind-expansion through life conditioning to the absolute
A.R. Gilbert
pp. 187-192.
Effects of drug-state changes upon starting and running responses in a straight runway in shock-motivated rats
S. Iwahara & T. Takahashi

pp. 193-199.
Eye movements in relation to mental activity of problem-solving
A. Nakano

pp. 200-207.
Relation between time and space as field forces
M. Abbe
pp. 208-212.
A memory of Prof. C. H. Graham in Japan
M. Akita
pp. 213-216