津田 彩乃(TSUDA, Ayano) D3
My research interests are in the areas of emotion in the social and educational contexts. My research are conducted using questionnaires as well as physiological signals, including heart rate and skin conductance. Currently, I am working on research observing the physiological synchrony of individuals during collaborative activities.
- Tsuda, A., & Muis, K. R. (2018). The anti-vaccination debate: A cross-cultural exploration of emotions and epistemic cognition. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal.
- Nomura, M., Tsuda, A., Rappleye, J. (in press). Defining awe in East Asia: Cultural differences in describing the emotion and experience of awe. In Chiao, J, Shu-Chen, Rebecca, Bob (eds.), Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience: Cultural Neuroscience and Health. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Manalo, E., Tsuda A., & Dryer, R. (2019). The effect of cultivating diagram use on the quality of EFL students’ written explanations. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 33.
- 柳岡開地・津田彩乃・西村知紗. (2018). 3歳児のスクリプト獲得過程: “朝の用意” 場面の短期的縦断観察を通して. 発達心理学研究.
- Tsuda, A. (2018). Development of new measurements to understand the emotion of awe. Kyoto University, MA in Educational Studies, Master Thesis (Unpublished).
- Tsuda, A. (2015). Construction of the Romantic Trend Scale and its implications in a Japanese context: Watching love-romanced movies and its associations with the audience. Japan Lutheran College, BA in Clinical Psychology, Graduation Thesis (Unpublished).
- Tsuda, A. (2013). Self-determination theory: Motivation and teacher-student relationships across cultures. Hosei University, BA in Liberal Arts, Graduation Thesis (Unpublished).
- Tsuda, A. (2013). ALT (Assistant Language Teachers) in Japan and their motivation. Hosei University, BA in Liberal Arts, Graduation Thesis (Unpublished).
- Tsuda, A., & Muis, K. R. (2017). The anti-vaccination debate: A cross-cultural exploration of emotions and epistemic thinking. American Psychological Association 125th Annual Convention, Washington D.C., United States of America, August 3-6.
- Tsuda, A., & Manalo, E. (2019). Searching on the Web: The effect of collaborative learning on emotions and epistemic thinking. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning 2019, Tartu, Estonia, November 27-29.
- Tsuda, A., & Nomura, M. (2018). What is awe? Individual differences in describing the emotion and experience of awe in Japan. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Congress, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada, July 1 - 5.
- Tsuda, A., Wang, L., Yohena, A., Sun, S., & Nomura, M. (2019). Pulse rate and emotion perception between couples when watching movies: Preliminary findings for understanding the mechanisms of physiological synchrony. 21st conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology, Tenerife, Canary Islands, September 25-28.
- Yohena, A., Manalo, E., Tsuda, A. (2019). Why do students continue with or drop out from their studies? A qualitative investigation. 23rd Conference of Junior Researchers of EARLI, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, August, 10-11.
- Manalo, E., Dryer, R., & Tsuda, A. (2017). More efficacious representations? Examining the effect of diagrams in students’ written explanations. 17th Biennial EARLI Conference, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, August 29-September 2.
- Yanaoka, K., Tsuda, A., & Nishimura, C. (2017). An observational study looking at the developmental mechanism for learning action sequences. 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, Netherlands, August 30.
- 柳岡開地・津田彩乃・西村知紗. (2017). 幼児はいかにして行為を紡ぐのか—「朝の用意」の縦断的観察を通して—. 日本心理学会第81回大会,久留米シティプラザ,2017年9月21日.
- 公益財団法人中山隼雄科学技術文化財団 研究助成 2020.3 - 2021.2
京都大学教育学研究科グローバル教育展開オフィス 国際学会発表支援 2019年度
公益財団法人京都大学教育研究振興財団 国際研究集会発表助成 2018年度
- 株式会社 計数技研 マネージャー 2019.10 – 現在
株式会社 Mirai Innovation研究所 R&D 2019.10 – 現在
京都大学 教育学部 国際教育研究フロンティアI TA 2018.4 - 現在
京都大学 教育学部 教育心理学実習 TA 2015.4 - 現在
京都大学 教育学研究科 RA 2019.6 - 2020.3
京都大学 学術情報メディアセンター TA 2016.5 - 2017.3